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Staying Active and Diabetes

Posted on April 6, 2018

Staying active - challenging as it may be when you’re not feeling well - is key to controlling diabetes. Members of MyDiabetesTeam say exercise has helped them lower blood sugar, lose weight, and improve overall quality of life.

“After an hour on the treadmill, I've lowered my blood sugar by 100 points,” shared one member. “I walk 10,000 steps per day, have lost weight, and watch what I eat,” wrote another. Staying active doesn’t have to be stressful.

When not feeling motivated to work out, one member “puts on loud music and dances around the house.” For some, getting off the couch takes baby steps. A tip from one member's personal trainer was appreciated by many who struggle with motivation: “Just get dressed for working out, even if you don’t. After doing that for a few days, you’ll actually want to exercise, even if it’s a small amount. I think it’s the prep part that gets you going.” Another warns of the consequences of not moving: “Don’t delay action. It can save your life, your limbs, and your eyesight.” Speak with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

On DiabetesTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with type 2 diabetes, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Staying Active is one of the top 10 topics most discussed.

Here are a few question-and-answer threads about staying active:

What would you say to a former athlete who has to get active but can't deal with starting at the beginning due to their condition?

Has anyone reversed their type 2 diabetes and just controlling it with diet and exercise? if so, how?

How do you motivate yourself to exercise when you live alone in a rural area and far enough away from a gym?

Here are some conversations about staying active:

A member shares how courage is helping him to exercise.

A member shares how a fun activity helps him want to be active.

One member shares a success story.

Can you relate?

Have another topic you'd like to discuss or explore? Go to DiabetesTeam today and start the conversation. You'll be surprised just how many others may share similar stories.

Feel free to ask a question here.

Posted on April 6, 2018

A DiabetesTeam Member

I am now normal A1C 5.4 and was diagnosed 2 years ago prediabetic A1C 5.7. I eat 2 healthy meals with fruits 🍓🫐🍏 although I also snack on fruits and drink 4 bottles of water throughout the day. I… read more

November 20, 2022
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