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Top 2 search results for "Qtern" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

How Worried Are You About Side Effects?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭

The questions about side effects of prescribed drugs are valid

Any time you put a foreign substance in your body there is likely to be some "side effect", sometimes none noticeable, sometimes minor or fleeting and sometimes downright nasty

BUT don't forget WHY the Doctor is even considering prescribing that Nasty-Dangerous Medication

Specifically when talking about Diabetic Medications too many come in with the (apparent) attitude that they have some OTHER Choice

Of course you have the… read more

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A DiabetesTeam Member

It's natural to be concerned about side effects when taking medication for diabetes. Here are some rare but serious side effects for various treatments:

- Toujeo: Systemic allergic reaction
- Qtern:… read more

Diagnosed Type 2 Do I Still Need To Test

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭

Was diagnosed in May and given Metformin and told to take morning and night and that was it , should I be testing blood sugar levels being type 2 as I wasn't given anything x

A DiabetesTeam Member

If that was all you were told you need a new Dr. Diabetes is not a 1 pill cures all Disease