Is Anyone Using Tresiba? Any Concerns Or Side Effects With It? Thanks!
So "low carb" is under 150/day
A couple of big Diabetes Studies pegged the maximum at 130/day
But if you got some advice from someone that has your medical history, treatment information etc and they recommended 100/day, that sounds right in the ballpark
My first few years after diagnosis I restricted to 100/day, eight years in since my A1C is behaving and staying below 6.0 I recently upped my carbs to the 130/day and am watching to see what it does to both my weight and my sugar numbers
Side Effect - it controls blood sugar 😁
Eat too many carbs while using it you get Weight Gain
Carbs can only go one of two places - energy absorbed by your cells or body fat
If your cells are fed and you have left over carbs then the insulin you inject will turn them into body fat. So if you gain weight on insulin it's just telling you to cut back your carbs and there won't be a problem
Tresiba is about 99% human insulin so exactly the same thing your own pancreas produces - there is nothing there to "side effect" anything else or else you would have always had side effects from "your own" insulin that you produce
Any issues are usually at the injection site (some irritation) or a reaction to the preservatives (part of that last 1%), but that is usually just a bit of a skin reaction and nothing "dangerous or deadly"
Yes, Tresiba is used by many people to manage diabetes. Here are some common and rare side effects associated with Tresiba:
Common Side Effects:
- Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)
- Hypokalemia (low potassium)
- Weight gain
- Minor redness or irritation at injection sites
Rare but Serious Side Effects
- Severe Show Full Answer
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