Is Dried Fruit Like Cranberries And A Little 🍚 Rice With No Added Sugar Good For Diabetics Too.
I have a little secret recipe for dried fruit and rice with no added sugar today. The rice is cooked ahead of time too
Beware of the carbs in the rice and the sugar levels in the dried fruit, avoid currants raisins and sultanas cos they are dried grapes and grapes are mega high in sugar.and use brown rice cos the fibre in brown rice with fill u up quicker which means a smaller portion and a smaller portion = less carbs SIMPLES
It depends on your carb loading tolerance, serving size, and what your 2 hour numbers are. Adjust serving size as needed.
Many thanks again sir for the good advice too. I graduated from cooking school years ago and know how to create diabetic friendly recipes that are good and low sodium and low fat and yummy too. Esther
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