Can A Type 1 Be Cured In A Child Who Is 11years
No - no cure
Really good combination insulin pumps or pods driven by Continuous Glucose Monitors but that is as good as it gets
It is an Auto-Immune disease and when it hits it totally destroys the pancreas ability to produce insulin - there is no treatment or cure to restore any function at all
Unless there is a breakthrough it IS a lifetime disease that will require insulin replacement therapy forever
In type 1 diabetes the pancreas doesn't produce insulin so insulin had to be injected. Insulin is needed to get glucose into the cells. It can be well managed but not cured.
Are You Ever Confused About Some Of The Terms Or Acronyms That Get Tossed Around When Discussing Or Reading About Diabetes?
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Do People With Type Two Diabetes Take Insulin? I Thought That People That Take Insulin Are People With Type One Diabetes.