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Can You Be A Samurai Diabetes Warrior. Taking Control Of Your Diabetes Journey. Living Your Best Life With Diabetes.

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pitman, NJ

Hi warriors
Diagnosed February 2021, A1C 13.5. Be the Samurai Warrior you never knew you were.

I control my diabetes with right eating, portion control, Japanese science and medicine, exercise if your doctors allow, attitude, and a compelling reason to do what is necessary. I sleep 6-7 hours nightly, 8 is better. I do 10-15 minutes self care daily. Baby steps.

I test at least 4-6 times daily
1) upon waking- fasting blood glucose number, less than 7.0(126) is good.
2) 2 hours after eating my… read more

January 7 (edited)
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Your Samurai Warrior mindset is a powerful and motivating approach to managing diabetes! By focusing on portion control, mindful eating, hydration, and consistent glucose monitoring, you're setting an excellent example. The emphasis on baby steps and Japanese-inspired strategies like post-meal walks and balanced plates is Show Full Answer

Your Samurai Warrior mindset is a powerful and motivating approach to managing diabetes! By focusing on portion control, mindful eating, hydration, and consistent glucose monitoring, you're setting an excellent example. The emphasis on baby steps and Japanese-inspired strategies like post-meal walks and balanced plates is practical and effective. Keep fighting the diabetes monster one step at a time—you’re inspiring others to take control of their journey too!

January 7
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member You are my sensei.

January 9
A DiabetesTeam Member

I am slowly becoming a samurai diabetes warrior by getting support from my family as well as the DiabetesTeam here. I learn new things everyday about diabetes since I am diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My family has a history of diabetes and it runs through both sides.

January 9
A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes, I want to be a warrior. My fbs 119 this morning. My A1c started at 7.6 and last reading 7.4. My doctor wants it under 7. I am on Metformin 500mg twice daily. I work part time as a school crossing guard. Try to exercise in between posts. I have already lost 11 pounds since the end of December. Glad to be a part of this team.

January 8
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member

Hello Jolyne

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January 8

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